Focus on gender series - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Focus on Gender Bosnia and Herzegovina is a series of publications addressing specific areas of work on gender equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is designed to give more insights on specific gender equality issues and proposed actions to policy makers, experts, governmental institutions, civil society organizations and representatives of international community.

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The first issue was prepared as a reflection on the available response mechanisms to domestic violence and violence against women with a special focus on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The second issue, prepared on the occasion of International Day of Rural Women, concentrates on the gender aspects in agriculture and rural development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with an additional perspective on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The third issue concentrates on the gender aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bosnia and Herzegovina, focusing on how women’s and men’s lives have been impacted and changed in the face of COVID-19, through showcasing results of the Rapid Gender Assessment of COVID-19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The fourth issue focuses on women’s political participation and leadership in Bosnia and Herzegovina and provides a brief overview of the relevance of women’s political participation and situational analysis in terms of the legal and policy framework, electoral system, and barriers to political participation of women.

The fifth issue of Focus on Gender aims at both presenting an overview of UN Women BiH's most recent initiatives on gender-responsive budgeting and providing clarity about the concept and potential of GRB in promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment. Particular attention is devoted to the gender-responsive budgetary analysis of the BiH governments’ measures to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The sixth edition of Focus on Gender gives an overview of the main challenges in terms of the legislation, the availability of services for survivors of violence and attitudes toward sexual violence among both men and women. It outlines a set of recommendations that primarily target decision-makers in an attempt to ensure that all forms of sexual violence are condemned, adequately prosecuted and that all survivors have equal access to support services

The seventh edition of Focus on Gender gives a brief overview of the European Union funded project, Gender Equality Facility, which aims to support the country through the role and functioning of the gender equality structures and mechanisms in aligning to the European Union gender equality acquis. Finally, the publication will present recommendations on how to further improve different segments related to gender equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The eighth edition of Focus on Gender zooms in on personal income taxation, with a sex-disaggregated quantitative analysis on the usage of personal allowances during the period 2016 - 2020 in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska. The data analysis on the beneficiaries of personal allowances confirms that they are primarily used by men, therefore increasing their disposable income, while also implicitly reinforcing existing gender gaps in the labour markets and family dynamics.

This issue of Focus on Gender concentrates on creating innovative solutions to existing barriers that women artists face in Bosnia and Herzegovina. After a detailed analysis, and within the women’s economic empowerment portfolio, in 2022 and 2023 UN Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina piloted the Enabling Women Artists Revenue with NFTs (EARN) project in cooperation with the Museum of Contemporary Art of Republika Srpska. The project aimed to bring non-fungible tokens (NFTs) closer to the local artist community and promote the significant economic potential of this innovation for contemporary art and creative industries. The EARN Project is the first NFT initiative for artists in the region and the first for the United Nations globally. NFTs provide a unique opportunity for artists and creative industries to monetize their work in a new and innovative way. This Focus on Gender aims to showcase how digitalization impacts every segment of our life and how it can be utilized in creating innovative and revolutionary approaches while advancing women’s economic empowerment.

In this issue of Focus on Gender, we present the findings of the three studies on women’s economic empowerment. It provides policy and programming recommendations aimed at addressing pertinent gender gaps.

This issue of Focus on Gender assesses all public and private stakeholders who can provide access to finance for women in rural areas. To accomplish this assessment, a mapping of the existing legal framework regarding access to finance was conducted. Additionally, an analysis of the public and private sectors with potential opportunities for traditional or innovative sources of finance was also undertaken.

In this issue of Focus on Gender we give an overview of UN Women BiH work on improving communication between local journalists and their communities and
supporting academic institutions and students of journalism to develop, adopt and implement educational workshops and modules for quality learning on gender-based violence reporting.

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Masha Durkalić, Communication Associate, UN Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zmaja od Bosne bb, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina