UMBC Policies

All faculty and staff are required to comply with the policies of the University System of Maryland (USM) and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC).

Section I: Systemwide Councils and Institutional Boards

USM I-1.00 Council of University System Presidents
USM I-2.00 Constitution for the Faculty Council of the University of Maryland System
USM I-3.00 University System Student Council
USM I-3.01 Constitution of the University System Student Council
USM I-3.50 Constitution for the Council of University System Staff
USM I-4.00 Policy Concerning the Establishment of Institutional Boards
USM I-6.00 Policy on Shared Governance in the University of Maryland System
UMBC I-6.00.01 Plan of Organization for the Senates of UMBC
USM I-7.00 Policy on Public Ethics of Members of the Board of Regents
USM I-7.01 Policy On The Role Of The University System Of Maryland As A Public Corporation

Section II: Faculty

USM II-1.00 University System Policy on Appointment, Rank, and Tenure of Faculty
USM II-1.02 University of Maryland System Policy on Faculty Academic Credentials
USM II-1.03 University System Policy on Concurrent Faculty and Administrative Appointments
USM II-1.04 Procedures for Appeals to the University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents of Decisions to Terminate Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty Members
USM II-1.05 Policy on the Employment of Full-Time, Non-Tenure Track Instructional Faculty in the University System of Maryland
USM II-1.06 Policy on the Employment of Part-Time, Non-Tenure Track Instructional Faculty in the University System of Maryland
USM II-1.07 Policy On The Employment Of Adjunct Faculty
USM II-1.10 Policy on Part-Time Tenure-Track and Part-Time Tenured Faculty
USM II-1.11 Policy on Part-Time Faculty Members Engaged Exclusively or Primarily in Library Services
USM II-1.19 University of Maryland System Policy on the Comprehensive Review of Tenured Faculty
USM II-1.20 Policy on Evaluation of Performance of Faculty
USM II-1.21 Policy on Compensation for Faculty
USM II-1.22 University System Policy on Faculty Appointment Letters or Contracts
USM II-1.25 Policy on Faculty Workload and Responsibilities
USM II-1.30 Policy on the Regents Professorship
USM II-2.00 Policy on Sabbatical Leave for Faculty
USM II-2.01 Policy on Professional and/or Research Leave for Faculty Members Engaged Exclusively or Primarily in Library Services
USM II-2.10 Policy on Terminal Leave for Faculty
USM II-2.20 Policy on Leave Without Pay for Faculty
USM II-2.25 Policy on Parental Leave
USM II-2.30 Policy on Sick and Safe Leave for Faculty Members
USM II-2.31 Policy on Family and Medical Leave for Faculty
USM II-2.32 Policy on Accident Leave for Faculty
USM II-2.40 Policy on Annual Leave for Faculty
USM II-2.50 Policy on Jury Service for Faculty Members
USM II-3.00 Policy on the Role of Faculty in the Development of Academic Policy
USM II-3.10 Policy on Professional Commitment of Faculty
USM II-3.20 Policy on Teaching Outside the Home Institution By Full-Time Faculty
USM II-4.00 Policy on Faculty Grievances
USM II-8.00 Policy on Faculty Retrenchment

Section III: Academic Affairs

Section IV: Research

USM IV-1.00 Policy for the Establishment and Review of Centers and Institutes in the University of Maryland System
USM IV-2.00 Policy on Solicitation and Acceptance of Sponsored Projects
UMBC IV-2.00.01 Consistent Application of Facility and Administrative (F & A) Costs
UMBC IV-2.00.02 Policy on Sponsored Projects and Gifts
UMBC IV-2.00.03 Policy on Principal Investigator Eligibility
USM IV-2.10 University of Maryland System Policy on Human Subjects of Research
USM IV-2.20 Policy on Classified and Proprietary Work
UMBC IV-2.20.01 Export Control Policy
USM IV-3.00 Policy on Patents
USM IV-3.10 Policy on Copyrights
USM IV-3.20 University of Maryland System of Maryland Policy on Intellectual Property
UMBC IV-3.20.01 UMBC Policy on Intellectual Property

Section V: Student Affairs

USM V-1.00 Policy on Student Affairs
USM V-1.10 Policy on Student Publications
USM V-1.20 Policy on Student Social Media Privacy
UMBC V-1.20.01 Interim Policy On Student Social Media Privacy
USM V-2.00 Policy on Student Athletics
UMBC V-2.00.01 Student Concerns About Athletic Programs And Activities Interim Policy
USM V-2.10 University of Maryland System Policy on Reports on Intercollegiate Athletics
USM V-2.20 Policy on Academic Achievement in Intercollegiate Athletics
USM V-4.00 Policy on Student Employment
USM V-5.00 Policy on Student Housing
USM V-6.00 Policy on Community Service
USM V-7.00 Policy on Students Who Are Called to Active Military Duty During a National or International Crisis or Conflict
USM V-8.00 Policy on Event-Related Student Misconduct
UMBC V-8.00.01 UMBC Hazing Policy

Section VI: General Administration

USM VI-1.00 Policy on Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity
UMBC VI-1.00.01 Policy on Pregnancy and Related Conditions and Parental Status
USM VI-1.05 Policy of Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation
USM VI-1.10 Policy on Acts of Violence and Extremism
USM VI-1.20 University of Maryland System Policy on Sexual Harassment (Replaced by VI-1.60)
UMBC VI-1.20.01 Policy on Sexual Harassment (Replaced by VI-1.60.01)
UMBC VI-1.20.02 Policy on Amorous And Sexual Relations (Replaced by VI-1.60.02)
USM VI-1.30 University of Maryland System Policy on Sexual Assault (Replaced by VI-1.60)
USM VI-1.40 Policy on the Implementation and Monitoring of Recommendations of the Cult Task Force
USM VI-1.50 Policy on the Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect
USM VI-1.60 Policy on Sex Discrimination
UMBC VI-1.60.01 Policy on Sex Discrimination, Sex-Based Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct
UMBC VI-1.60.02 Policy on Amorous And Sexual Relations
USM VI-2.00 Policy on Recommendations to Change the Name or Status of An Institution
USM VI-3.00 Policy on Advertising
USM VI-4.00 Policy on the Naming of Buildings and Academic Programs
UMBC VI-4.00.01 Policy on Naming Buildings, Facilities, and Programs
USM VI-4.10 Policy on the Use of the Physical Facilities of the University System for Public Meetings
CC VI-4.10.01 Rita Rossi Colwell Center Space Policy
UMBC VI-4.10.01 UMBC Policy on Facilities Use
UMBC VI-4.10.02 UMBC Policy on Space Management
UMBC VI-4.10.03 UMBC Policy on Sales And Solicitations
USM VI-4.20 Guidelines Regarding the Effect of Donor Funding and Other External Funding on the Prioritizing of State-Funded Capital Projects
USM VI-5.00 Policy on Inspection of Public Records
UMBC VI-5.00.01 UMBC Policy On Public Records Containing Sociological Information NEW
USM VI-5.10 Policy on Preservation of Items of Historical Interest
USM VI-6.00 Policy on Requests for Advice of Counsel and Official Opinions From the Attorney General
USM VI-6.10 Policy on Records Management
(See UMBC Interim Records Retention Schedule)
USM VI-6.20 Policy on Out-Of-State Work for Employees
USM VI-7.00 Policy on Chaplains
USM VI-8.00 Policy on the Use of Alcoholic Beverages at University System Institutions and Facilities
UMBC VI-8.00.01 UMBC Policy On Alcoholic Beverages at Scheduled Events NEW
USM VI-8.10 Policy On Smoking At USM Institutions
UMBC VI-8.10.01 UMBC Smoking Policy
USM VI-9.00 Policy on Establishment of Institutional Traffic Regulations
UMBC VI-9.00.01 UMBC Carpooling Policy
USM VI-9.10 Report on Reporting of Campus Crime Statistics
USM VI-10.00 Policy on the Filing of Institutional Policy Manuals With the Chancellor
UMBC VI-10.00.01 UMBC Policy on Policy Formation and Management
USM VI-11.00 University of Maryland System Policy on AIDS "(Rescinded as of June 21, 2019)"
USM VI-12.00 Policy on Emergency Conditions: Cancellation of Classes and Release of Employees
USM VI-13.00 Policy on Campus Emergency Planning, Preparedness, and Response
UMBC VI-13.00.01 Environmental Safety and Health Management and Enforcement
UMBC VI-13.00.02 UMBC Policy for Posting of Notices and Event Roadway Signage on the UMBC Campus

Section VII: Personnel

USM VII-1.00 Policy on the USM Human Resources Management Program
USM VII-1.01 Policy on Recruitment and Selection
USM VII-1.10 Policy on a Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace for Employees
USM VII-1.15 Policy on Criminal Background Checks for Faculty and Staff Employees
(See Guidance for Youth Camps on the UMBC Campus)
USM VII-1.21 Policy on Probation for Regular Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-1.22 Policy on Separation for Regular Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-1.23 Policy on Separation of a Nonexempt Staff Employee
USM VII-1.24 Policy on Termination with Prejudice
USM VII-1.30 Policy on Layoff for Nonexempt Staff Employee
USM VII-1.32 Policy on Layoff and Recall of Regular Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-1.40 Policy on Contingent Status Employment for Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-2.10 Policy on Employment of Members of the Same Family (Nepotism)
USM VII-2.20 Policy on Soliciting Personnel During Working Hours
USM VII-2.30 Policy on Employee and Applicant Disclosure of Misconduct for Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees and Applicants for USM Staff Positions
USM VII-3.00 Policy on Wellness Programs
USM VII-3.10 Policy on Employee Development for Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-4.10 Policy on Tuition Remission and Tuition Reimbursement for Regular and Retired Nonexempt and Exempt Staff and Faculty Employees of the University System of Maryland
USM VII-4.20 Policy on Tuition Remission for Spouse and Dependents
USM VII-4.30 Policy on Salary Advances for USM Employees
USM VII-4.60 Policy on Shift Differential for Nonexempt Staff Employees
USM VII-4.62 Policy on On-Call and Call-Back for Nonexempt Staff Employees
USM VII-5.00 Policy on Performance Evaluation of the Chancellor and the Institution Presidents of the University System of Maryland
USM VII-5.01 Board of Regents Policy on the Five-Year Review of USM Presidents
USM VII-5.10 Policy on Associates of the Chancellor and Presidents
USM VII-5.20 Policy on the Performance Management Program
USM VII-6.02 Policy on Employee Files for Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-6.10 Policy on Work Schedules for Regular Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-7.00 Policy on Annual Leave for Regular Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-7.10 Policy on Personal Leave for Regular Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-7.11 Policy on Leave Reserve Fund for Regular Status Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
UMBC VII-7.11.01 UMBC Policy for Employee Leave Donation Program
USM VII-7.12 Policy on Leave of Absence Without Pay for Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-7.20 Policy on Administrative Leave for Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-7.21 Policy on Jury Service for Regular Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-7.22 Policy on Leave for Legal Actions for Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-7.23 Policy on Military Leave with Pay for Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-7.24 Policy on Call-Up to Active Military Duty During a National or International Crisis or Conflict for Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-7.25 Policy on Leave For Service As Election Judge for Regular Status Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-7.26 Policy on Leave for Disaster Service for Regular Status Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-7.30 Policy on Holiday Leave for Regular Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-7.40 Policy on Accident Leave for Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
UMBC VII-7.40.01 UMBC Policy on Accident Leave for Exempt and Non-Exempt Employees
USM VII-7.41 Policy on Modified Duty
USM VII-7.45 Policy on Sick Leave for Exempt and Nonexempt Staff Employees
USM VII-7.49 Policy on Parental Leave
USM VII-7.50 Policy on Family and Medical Leave for Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-8.00 Policy On Grievances for Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-8.05 Policy on Professional Conduct and Workplace Bullying
USM VII-9.00 Policy on Vesting of Certain Rights Upon Implementation of Phase I Nonexempt of the USM Pay Program
USM VII-9.01 Policy on Vesting of Certain Rights Upon Implementation of Phase II Exempt of the USM Pay Program
USM VII-9.10 Policy on the Pay Program for Nonexempt Staff Employees
USM VII-9.11 Policy on Pay Administration for Exempt Positions
USM VII-9.20 Policy on Pay Administration for Regular Nonexempt Staff Employees
USM VII-9.31 Policy on Establishment and Assignment of Staff Job Groups and Employment Status Groups
USM VII-9.50 Policy on Temporary Assignments and Acting/Interim Appointments for Regular Status Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-9.51 Policy on Reassignment for Regular Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-9.61 Policy on Reemployment and Reinstatement for Regular Status Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees
USM VII-9.70 Policy on Requesting a Position Classification Review for Nonexempt Staff Positions
USM VII-9.80 Policy on Impact of Changes in the Minimum Qualifications of Nonexempt Job Class Specifications
USM VII-10.0 Policy on Board of Regents Review of Certain Contracts and Employment Agreements
UMBC VII-11.00 Policy On Standards, Qualifications, and Prerequisites For University of Maryland Police Officers
UMBC VII-11.00.01 Telework Policy and Agreement

Section VIII: Fiscal and Business Affairs

UMBC VIII-0.00.01 UMBC Policy on Signature Authority
USM VIII-1.00 Resolution Authorizing the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Financial Affairs to Approve Changes of Signatures on Bank Accounts
USM VIII-1.10 Policy for Capitalization and Inventory Control
UMBC VIII-1.10.01 UMBC Policy for Capital Equipment
UMBC VIII-1.10.02 UMBC Policy for Non-Capital and Sensitive Equipment
USM VIII-1.20 Policy on Disposal of Surplus Personal Property
USM VIII-1.21 Policy on Lost or Abandoned Currency or Tangible Personal Property on University System Premises
UMBC VIII-1.21.01 UMBC Policy on Lost and Found Property
USM VIII-1.30 Policy on Withdrawal of Funds From Bank Accounts
USM VIII-1.40 Forms Management
USM VIII-2.01 Policy on Tuition
UMBC VIII-2.01.01 Policy on Non-Standard Tuition and/or Administrative Arrangements
USM VIII-2.20 Policy on Payment of Tuition and Fees
USM VIII-2.30 Policy on Waiver of Tuition and Granting of Other Privileges for Senior Citizens of the State of Maryland
USM VIII-2.31 University System of Maryland Policy on Tuition Waiver for Certain Members of the Maryland National Guard
USM VIII-2.41 Policy on Institutional Student Financial Aid for Undergraduate Students
USM VIII-2.50 Policy on Student Tuition, Fees, and Charges
UMBC VIII-2.50.01 UMBC Policy on Student Consultation on Non-Mandatory Fees New
USM VIII-2.60 Policy on Tuition Fellowships for Graduate Students
USM VIII-2.61 Policy on Off-Campus Programs
USM VIII-2.70 University System of Maryland Policy for Student Residency Classification for Admission, Tuition and Charge-Differential Purposes
USM VIII-2.80 Policy on Waiver of Application Fees
USM VIII-3.00 University of Maryland System Procurement Policies and Procedures
USM VIII-3.10 Policy on Approval of Procurement Contracts
USM VIII-3.20 Procedures Relating to Review By Attorney General's Office of Contractual Agreements of the University System and Involvement in Financing, Real Estate, and Related Capital Projects
USM VIII-3.30 Policy on Use of Commercial Contractors for Employment
USM VIII-4.00 Policy on Acquisition and Disposition of Real Property
USM VIII-4.01 Procedures for the Acquisition and Disposition of Real Property
USM VIII-4.02 USM Procedures for Leasing of Real Property
USM VIII-5.20 Policy on Voting of Proxies in Investment Securities
USM VIII-5.30 Policy on Endowment Fund Spending Rule
USM VIII-5.40 Policy on Management of the Endowment Fund
USM VIII-5.50 Policy on Endowment Funds Investment Objectives
USM VIII-6.00 Policy on Business Activities
USM VIII-7.00 Policy on Financial Management
UMBC VIII-7.00.01 UMBC Policy on Cost Transfers
UMBC VIII-7.00.02 UMBC Policy Concerning Working Fund/Petty Cash/Change Funds
(See Working Fund Travel Advance Procedure)
USM VIII-7.10 Policy on Reporting Suspected or Known Fiscal Irregularities
(See UMBC Procedures for Reporting and Investigating Suspected or Known Fiscal Irregularities)
USM VIII-7.11 Policy on the Communication of Suspected Fraud, Unethical and Illegal Business Activity
USM VIII-7.20 Policy on External Audits
USM VIII-7.30 Policy on Responses to Legislative Audits
USM VIII-7.50 USM Internal Audit Office Charter
USM VIII-8.00 Policy on Financing Commitments
USM VIII-9.00 Policy on the Operating Budget
USM VIII-10.00 Policy on Facilities Master Plans
USM VIII-10.10 Policy on Facilities Renewal for Auxiliary and Non-Auxiliary Capital Assets
USM VIII-10.20 Policy on the Capital Budget of the University of Maryland System
USM VIII-10.30 Policy on Authority Concerning Certain Capital Improvement Projects
USM VIII-10.40 Policy On Community Notification Of Capital Projects
USM VIII-11.00 Policy on University System Travel
UMBC VIII-11.00.01 Travel Policy and Procedures
UMBC VIII-11.00.02 UMBC Policy on International Travel
USM VIII-11.10 Schedule of Reimbursement Rates
UMBC VIII-11.10.01 UMBC Policy on Reimbursement for Business Meals and Purchase of Food Services Other Than Employee Travel
USM VIII-12.00 Policy on Debt Management
USM VIII-13.00 Policy on Business Entities
USM VIII-14.00 Policy on Investments and Loans to Maryland-based Businesses That License University Intellectual Property
USM VIII-15.00 Policy on High Impact Economic Development Activities
USM VIII-16.00 Policy on Payment of Moving Expenses
USM VIII-17.00 Policy on Public-Private Partnerships
USM VIII-18.00 Policy on Unrestricted Fund Balances
USM VIII-20.00 Policy on Enterprise Risk Management
USM VIII-21.00 Policy on Crisis Management

Section IX: External Relations

USM IX-1.00 Policy of the Board of Regents on Governmental Relations
USM IX-2.00 Policy on Affiliated Foundations
USM IX-2.01 Recognition of Affiliated Foundations
USM IX-3.00 Policy on Private Fund Raising and Stewardship
USM IX-4.00 Policy on Alumni Associations
USM IX-5.00 Policy of the Board of Regents on Ethical Practices in Charitable Giving
USM IX-6.00 Policy on Use of Foundation and Alumni Association Funds To Provide Economic Benefits To USM Employees

Section X: Information Technology

USM X-1.00 Policy On USM Institutional Information Technology Policies (Including Functional Compatibility With The State Information Technology Plan)
UMBC X-1.00.01 UMBC Policy for Responsible Computing
UMBC X-1.00.02 UMBC Information Technology Security Policy
UMBC X-1.00.03 UMBC Policy on Password-Based Credential Management
UMBC X-1.00.04 UMBC Policy on Firewalls
UMBC X-1.00.05 UMBC Policy on Electronic Media Disposal
UMBC X-1.00.06 UMBC Policy on Web Site Privacy Statement
UMBC X-1.00.07 UMBC Policy on Definition and Classification of Sensitive Information
UMBC X-1.00.08 UMBC Policy on Cell Phone Usage
UMBC X-1.00.09 UMBC Interim Policy on the Protection of Confidential Information
USM X-2.00 Policy On Compliance with USM policies through technology

Last updated: August 12, 2024 1:08 PM

University of Maryland, Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250